eCommerce trainings

eCommerce Trainings

If you are looking for a way to grow your business, you need the right tools for the job. No matter your industry, you must take advantage of digital marketing and the benefits that come with it as expanded Reach and boosted profit. Choose one of the trainings below or reach out for a custom training solution based on your needs.

  • Types of training
    From skills to updates

    Our team provides skill and update training, and we can send our training team to you in any location around the globe.

  • Skill training
    From SEO to Social

    With skill training, we show you how to use search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising and other digital marketing methods that grow your business.

  • Latest trends
    Update training

    With update training, we show you the latest trends to keep you ahead of the game as voice search and Accelerated Mobile Pages.

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We are here to help you grow your business and enhance your results to a whole new level. If you did not see the type of training you have in mind, let us know. We can provide custom training solutions based on your needs.

  • Together we have 30 years of experience

  • We gear our approach to your needs

  • We work for multiple international clients

  • We provide custom training solutions

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No digital marketing course would be complete without a search engine optimization section. If you are not yet familiar with the term, search engine optimization is the process of getting your content to show up when people search for terms related to your business. We cover content creation, backlink generation and a variety of on-site SEO tactics that boost your results even higher. We cover the latest methods and show you how to avoid Google penalties that could destroy your profit margins.

With social media marketing, you can promote ads to people based on their age, income level, hobbies, interests and more. You can even track which groups are the most likely to engage with your content. Narrowing your targeting to include only those who enjoy your content gives you two benefits. First, you increase your sales rate, and the other benefit is that Facebook and other social sites lower your advertising cost if people enjoy what you post. We show you how to use social media to get the high-quality results you deserve.

Getting traffic to your website is a powerful way to increase your bottom line, but it’s only the start. Find ways to increase your conversion rate if you want to get the most from your time and money. When you enlist our training team, they show you the exact steps you can take to increase your conversion rate. You then get higher profit margins without increasing the number of visitors coming to your website.

SEO training pakistan

Training Updates

Nothing remains the same for long. Over time, consumer trends evolve, and you must keep up with them unless you want to fall behind. Our team helps you stay in touch with the latest trends in the world of digital marketing.

  • Latest Trends
    Fast changing world

    In the years search engines have changed their ranking system to include a range of factors, and the websites that spammed keywords lost their positions in an instant. At one point, most websites got traffic from desktop users. By 2018, 58% of website traffic came from users on mobile devices. The point is that the trends have changed before, and they will do it again. Our training keeps you updated on the latest marketing trends.

  • Voice Search
    50% of searches will be voice 2020

    Some experts predict that 50% of online searches will be voice searches by 2020. This change means you have to use voice search optimization if you don't want to lose your SEO traffic. Our training programs keep you updated on the latest voice search algorithms so that you can keep your business ahead of the game. With standard searches, people are much more likely to use words or phrases. Those using voice search are much more likely to use full sentences.

  • AMP pages
    Accelerated Mobile Pages

    Accelerated mobile pages are websites designed for mobile users. Rather than using standard web code, accelerated mobile pages use a stripped-down version for faster loading times. You must remember that Google and other search engines factor loading time in their ranking systems. For mobile users, fast loading times are even more important, and accelerated mobile pages address that issue. Learn to create mobile versions of your website in addition to your standard content if you would like to keep up. We can show you how.

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